Stand out on social media.

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How to stand out on social media (without being fake)...

Mandy Melanson

Mandy Melanson

Are your posts going unnoticed?

Do you feel like you're getting lost in the noise of social media?

Are you frustrated with the fake lives that seem to dominate social media?

I get it! It's really frustrating to put effort into thinking up the right things to say and then staging that picture just right, but then getting zero interactions.

That's why I started this program! #BeAskew is a simple process that takes the mystery out of social media and provides a solid process to not only create content but get engagements and boost your brand's visibility.

I bet you're thinking, "Does she really have anything that I haven't heard before?" Yes!

I've been there! I've been the one on the other side of the screen frantically searching for information on how to grow my brand and my digital footprint. I know how many courses there are out there that promise big results without actually delivering any meaningful content. I also know how frustrating and discouraging that can be. 

In frustration, I went to Google, and was welcomed by quick-fix promises and a trash dump of hellish, conflicting advice. It left me with a slew of questions and a really icky taste in my mouth for social media. It sounded something like this: 

Use filters to make me look prettier on social media? 
Tag big influencers? 
What the h*ll is an influencer? 
Make 52 Tweets a week?! 
Two Instagram posts a day? 
They want me to go LIVE on Facebook? 

But then I got outside of my own head and created a social media planning kit that grew my social media channels, grew my brand awareness, and left me feeling happy and content with the imprint I was leaving in other people's lives. 

Are you thinking, "Does anyone really have time for all of that?" Surprisingly it's not as hard as it sounds, but it's also a little excessive. I'll tell you how to work all of this into your social media marketing plan without feeling overwhelmed and without having to feel vulnerable in the process.

The vulnerability is the major hurdle, isn't it? To put yourself out there on social media is like everyone's teenage nightmare of walking bare-a$$-naked into the school gymnasium to deliver our overly prepared and completely stressful speech to the entire class. Except, it doesn't have to be like that. 

I had a major breakthrough when I realized I could be authentic without being vulnerable. It is possible to create content that works and post at a pace that drives impressions and engagements without getting overwhelmed. 

Yes, I'm serious. That's why I decided to help other authors and business owners who are struggling to make their voice heard through the constant and overwhelming noise of social media.

The plan is simple: 

1. Be authentic.
2. Create relevant anchor content.
3. Schedule, schedule, schedule. (Don't worry! I'll give you the resources to do this without any stress added to your day. Who needs extra stress? No one.)
4. Share meaningful and engaging micro-content created from your anchor.
5. Listen.
6. Rinse, repeat.

Within 90 days I had gone from 347 Instagram unengaged followers to 5,000 active and engaged followers! My Instagram profile is still growing every day right along with the other social media platforms. My Twitter went from 0—that's right, I started it from scratch as a test—as I'm writing this post, it continues to double in size every-single-month. The private Askew Facebook Group started with nothing, literally, and is now at well over 1,000 members who are active and engaged in supporting one another. 

Remember: the size of your team isn't what matters. What matters is how supportive and dedicated they are to each others success. 

You can have 100,000 members inside a group but, if they are not engaging and if they are not supporting one another, what good does it do? None. 

That's the first social media lie I want to help you conquer. 

The number of your followers is not what matters. Let that sink in...

Your engagements are what matter. 

Of course, the higher you can drive BOTH numbers, the better, but a huge following will be useless unless you are able to motivate them to engage with you and support you as you build your brand awareness across social media.

That's why I created this program! So many of us get caught up in the "followers" trap. And that's exactly what it is—a trap.

I got sick of it and created a social media marketing plan using content marketing strategies designed to drive engagements and boost brand awareness while passively pulling more followers in. Isn't that what we all want? Working with the people who actively support us and drawing more like-minded individuals to the cause is the core of the #BeAskew plan.

If you want to have engaged followers and NOT worry about what you're going to post or say to them today then sign up and let me help you. 

We can do this!

Click the button below to get your FREE social media planner including 365-days of content suggestions designed to boost your social engagements and help you thrive in this noisy social world. 

Together we thrive. Alone we fall. Let's build this community together. Be you. #BeAskew

Let Mandy help you grow your brand and business

Get your free social media planner with 365 unique social media content ideas for FREE.

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