
Helping You Live a Life of Freedom and Happiness...


Thank you! I'll be back in touch real soon. The Rogue Expat
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So what is 'Flagonomics(TM)' all about?

In very simple terms, Flagonomics(TM) is living your life without the challenges you encounter when you keep all of your eggs in one basket! I came up with the term Flagonomics (TM) in 1998 based on the research I was doing while preparing to expatriate from my home country. 

The concepts you will learn are not new and I take no credit for the original 'Flag' concepts. I've only expanded on them and added a few to address the modern world we live in. The original three 'Flags' were conceived by American, Harry Donald Schultz some 80 years ago and the other two or three 'flags' were added in the last two decades. You've probably never heard of the 'flag concept' or Flagonomics(TM) as it has only available, until recently, to the rich and famous!

What are 'flags' that make up 'Flagonomics(TM)'? 

The 'Flags' symbolize different areas of your life. The idea is to diversify your assets across different countries so if anything goes wrong in one country, you'll still have access to some of your assets that are in another country. Like I said earlier, it's like not keeping all your eggs (assets!) in one basket (country). The eight 'flags' in Flagonomics(TM)' are:

Flag 1: Citizenship and Passport(s)
Flag 2: Residency 
Flag 3: Bank Accounts and Liquid Assets
Flag 4: Physical Assets
Flag 5: Offshore Enterprises
Flag 6: Digital and Cyber Assets
Flag 7: Digital and Cyber Security
Flag 8: Un-Tethered Freedom...

In summary, 'Flagonomics(TM)' shows you how to "Live a Life of Freedom and Happiness Like You've Never Experienced Before..."

Sign-up to keep updated on our the news of our first public opening that will include free information for you to study.

All the best,
The Rogue Expat 
Chief Flagonomist

Helping You Live a Life of 
Freedom and Happiness...


Thank you! I'll be back in touch real soon. The Rogue Expat
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