Your brand  endorsed by World's Top Educators

Do you want your product, your service or your event make a significant change in the way Early Childhood Education is offered?

Do you want your product or service nurture children's natural gifts and talents?

If your answer is YES, then we can offer you Power Brand Endorsement - directly to educators, parents, visionaries, investors and influencers in Early Years Education, on your behalf. Worldwide!

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Powerful Endorsement for Your Brand
by World Class Experts in the Industry!

How would you like your product or service being recommended by top Education Experts in the entire industry - people with an in-depth expertise, over 20 years of hands-on experience, and a global perspective?

How would you like your product or service being endorsed by qualified Assessors-Evaluators responsible for quality control in Early Years Education - people who accept only the highest quality and nothing less?

How would you like to gain you client's trust, respect for your brand, and reputation of a serious and innovative player in the industry - knowing that you are professionally backed up by Subject Matter Experts in Child's Learning and Development?
If you REALLY care about making a change and you want to offer only the highest quality, we will help your audience and your clients understand how your product or service:
 - nurtures children's Holistic Development 
 - helps children grow to their fullest potential
 - supports Personalised and Self-Directed Learning
 - nurtures children's Natural Leadership Mindset
 - promotes Safe and Child-Friendly Learning Environments
 - improves the quality of Early Years Education in your target market
 - addresses the New Paradigm in Education where all children are valued for their natural gifts and talents.

Multiple ways of featuring your product or service:
- Keynote Speaker / Power Talk presentations at international conferences, expos and forums
- Introducing your product or service in Early Years settings around the world 
- Tailor-made interactive hands-on workshops and training programmes
- Premium online courses, educational resource and materials
- Specialised educational articles and reviews.

Note: We endorse only the products, services and events that we consider to be of the highest quality, and that bring great value to children's learning and development. We reserve the right to decline your offer should we decide your product or service does not meet our assessment criteria.

Our Expertise:

We’ve gone through all levels of professional development in education:
 - Senior Teachers
 - Teacher Trainers
 - College Tutors
 - University Lecturers
 - Early Years provision Owners and Managers
 - Assessors and Evaluators in Child Care, Learning, Development and Play (UK-Certified)

We specialise in:
 - The British EYFS standards
 - Positive Pedagogy 
 - Child-Led Play 
 - Self-Directed Learning
 - Multi-Sensory Learning 
 - Cross-Curricular Education 
 - Multicultural Learning
 - Entrepreneurial Education
 - Multilingualism
 - Child Protection and Safeguarding Children
 - Progress Assessment and Documenting
 - Health & Safety in Early Years Provision
 - Creating Enabling and Stimulating Learning and Play Environments 
 - Child's Unique Energy Expression and Learning Styles Profiling
 - Child-Led Intuitive Parenting

 - We have worked with hundreds of children of all ages all over the world,  taught at universities and colleges (Kingston University, Canterbury Christ Church University, The Tribal Education Group, The JGA Group), managed own schools and early years provision in the UK, designed curricula and teaching resources for renowned international educational institutions.

 - With more than 20 years of hands-on experience we have delivered high quality teacher training sessions, recruited passionate teachers and childcare practitioners, organized numerous empowering workshops and training sessions, hosted support groups for parents, and worked with them to plan personalised learning journeys for their children. 

 - Authored numerous educational publications on Early Years Education and Positive Parenting.

 - Created educational mobile applications for children promoting early literacy and cultural heritage.

 - Approved by the European Commission to evaluate educational initiatives and projects funded by the European Union.

 - Collaborated on various international educational projects with clients from the USA, Australia, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, China and South East Asia (more than 20 countries).

 - World Schooling parents (for over 12 years now) adopting the principles of Child-Led Natural Learning approach to plan their son’s learning and development.

 - Inspected more than 100 Early Childhood Education and Care providers, worldwide!

We can honestly say that we’ve tested all educational approaches, methods and tools that have ever existed in Education. 

And we’ve discovered what REALLY matters when it comes to offering the highest quality education and care, and we know very well what is completely irrelevant too.

If your product or service has the untapped potential to truly make a change in the way Early Years Education is offered, then we need to talk!

With a premier back-up from experienced educators your product or service will receive a serious attention it needs and deserves from your target audience. 

We can help you achieve this much faster than you think!

Ready to take it further? 

Book your FREE Strategy Call with us to find out if your product or service qualifies for our Expert Endorsement.

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